FR ACCOUNT ID #139613, UN: Riverspell.
Since this page is for Flight Rising and web design practice, this is the only current way to contact me. I don't currently do art commissions outside Flight Rising and its userbase.
Blind Dates is Under Revision
Art Shop is On Brief Hiatus
"Stained Glass" Art Available Soon
Ri Is Working On...
User Name
Commission Description
Work Start Date
User Name
Commission Description
Work Start Date
User Name
Commission Description
Work Start Date
Hello and Welcome to Ri's Flight Rising!
What's this all about, you might ask? Well, this site is designed to "kill two birds with one stone" as it were. I'll be using it to practice web design while also sharing my Flight Rising experience with fellow players. You'll also find some of my artwork, dragon lore, and writing on various pages. So be prepared for strange dragon lingo, scribbles, scratches, and sudden web site changes!
To the left you can find updates on the various threads I run or participate in. I'll also leave a note when I plan on changing something with my site. Sudden changes, yes, but hopefully no surprises if something doesn't function right! At the very bottom I'll keep track of what commissions I'm currently working on. I'll also make note when a project is delayed, awaiting confirmation/pay, on hold, or when a slot is available.
Thank you for your attention and interest!

Banner dragons, unedited border art, credited @FlightRising.